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Press Release

Company News

The Long Wait is Over

THE LONG WAIT IS OVER – 2020 starts with a BANG for U.S. insurers and insurance intermediaries The signing of the U.S.-China Trade Agreement by President Trump and Vice Premier Liu He of China on January 15 was a boon for the insurance industry, the culmination of more than 30 years of hard work (and much frustration) by insurance executives (me included), government officers, trade representatives and industry associations. Having dedicated much of my long career to the insurance industry and China, I can truly appreciate the importance of this moment. It has created a “once in a lifetime opportunity” for U.S. Life, Health and P&C insurers, and U.S. brokers to access the China market without barriers and restrictions or to expand their business without discriminatory or burdensome requirements or limitations. There has never been a better time for U.S. insurance companies and brokers to invest in China. While it is already the world’s second largest insurance market, it still has very low penetration and is growing at more than twice the GDP rate, fueled by the rise of the urban middle class which is expected to reach 295 million households by 2025. With more than 40 years of on-the-ground experience in China, first as an investor and later as a strategic and financial advisor, the ChinaVest team is a market leader in enabling U.S. insurers and brokers to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Please contact us for more information. André Dallaire Senior Managing Director & COO Tel : (8621) 3325 4080 Mobile : (86) 13917574238 Email : adallaire@chinavest.com.cn